(안내) 제8회 SFC 국제리더십컨퍼런스

조회 수 610 추천 수 0 2024.04.07 13:05:10
제8회 SFC 국제리더십컨퍼런스

▶ 주제: 하나님의 주권이 이 땅 위에
 일시: 2024년 5월 27일(월) ~ 30일(목)
 장소: 필리핀(마닐라)_CCT 리트릿 트레이닝 센터
 신청기간: 2024년 4월 17일(수)까지
 입회비: 20만원, 세부 내용은 포스터 참고 (카카오뱅크 3333048743416 최혜민)

  - 신재용 운동원(전국위원장) 010-5668-8747
  - 홍석훈 운동원(선교영역장) 010-3083-5614
  - 최달호 간사(선교사역부 총무) 010-2925-3931
  - 박현진 간사(일로일로지부 간사) 카카오톡 ID : joysfc0615

 선교사역부 후원계좌: 신한은행 100-034-867446_학생신앙운동

Announcement of The 8th SFC International
Leadership Conference.

Greeting my fellow. It is so honored and glad and thankful to meet you all.

God will be glorified and worship through our conference. SFC has been expanded through the confession of the faith from Manila, lloilo, Bohol in Philippines, Bangkok and Chiangmai in Thailand, Tokyo in Japan, Shanghai, Yanbian in Chaina, Mongolia, America, Bulgaria and Uzbekistan. It is the mission that SFC is oriented and also the implement of our principle. Through this Conference, this will be an opportunity to confirm the principle with your body and mind we confess together.

Let’s talk about conference. It has been 18years, the International Leadership Conference to be held. Specially We gather under the theme of “Let the sovereignty of God on the Earth”. Learning about the Providence of God, who created this earth so, we might rely on God’s Strength.

We ask for your interest, a sincere prayer and finance. We might hope preparing this meeting together.

The 8th SFC International Conference.

 Theme: Let the sovereignty of God on the Earth!
 Date: 2024.05.27(Mon) ~ 30(Thr)
 Place: Philippines(Tagatay) CCT Retreat Tranning center
 Registration Fee: 200,000 won (Kakao Bank: 3333048743416)
    ※ You must check Conference Poster of registration fee part.)

 Inquiry : 
 - Instagram:  sfc_missionary
 - International: HYUNJIN. PARK
   (kakaotalk_ joysfc0615)

 Official Poster


★ 간소화 포스터

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  * 영문판

List of Articles
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